Who we are
Improving lives through Learning.
We are always inspired by the world and people around us.
We are here to meet your demand and teach the most beneficial way for you.
Celebrating e-Learning excellence in Personal Development
9 Years
Our goal is to learn the next generation of creative professionals for a future in any industry.
We offer courses in most demanded industries. Whether you begin your journey on our courses website or choose the flexibility of video learning, our courses are designed to help you along your path.

Best & Most Involved Teachers
Large selection of courses
Find the right instructor for you. Learn on your schedule.
High-Quality Course Categories
Find courses on almost any topic
Build your library for your career
and personal growth
The leading global website for learning and instruction
Transforming Lives – Talent is universal, but opportunities are not. With access to online learning resources and instruction, anyone, anywhere, can gain skills and transform their lives in meaningful ways.
Our Beginnings – Established in 2007, Edulogy College is a private human sciences school in Claremont, Calif., around 35 miles east of Los Angeles. We offer a thorough educational plan, with 48 majors in expressions of the human experience, humanities, sociologies and regular sciences.
Our Marketplace – We believe the world’s best teachers aren’t always found in classrooms. Our instructors come from virtually every country and offer courses in 65+ languages on practically any topic.
25,000 former students living in
50 states and 74 countries!
Edology has probably the greatest system in human sciences instruction with graduated class working in a wide assortment of profession fields, from business, law and drug to non-benefit, training and science to legislative issues, craftsmanship and amusement.
Remain associated, go along with us for graduated class and grounds occasions, return for Alumni Weekends, and figure out how you can get included and help to support the Pomona instructive experience for the present – and tomorrow’s – Sagehens.
We Have a Great Team
Our Board of Directors come from a variety of professional backgrounds from across the world.
We establish strategic partnerships with the world’s most experienced and committed conservationists.